Andrew has been drawn to the field of nuclear fusion since learning about it during his first course in nuclear engineering and has is particularly interested in the development of fission-fusion hybrid reactors. While pursuing his bachelor’s degree, he also became very interested in the heat removal aspects of nuclear engineering. He hopes to one day work at a Department of Energy national lab on research combing heat transfer and fusion technology. Since becoming a graduate student at Georgia Tech, Andrew has worked as a teaching assistant for several courses in radiation detection and radiation physics. He also tutors undergraduate students and new graduate students in the use of the the thermal hydraulics code RELAP. In addition to his PhD research, he also works as a health physics technician at Georgia Tech’s Office of Radiological Safety
Current Research
Andrew’s current research focuses on performing a dynamic safety analysis of the Georgia Tech fission-fusion hybrid Subcritical Advanced Burner Reactor (SABR). This work is highly multidisciplinary and involves numerous fields such as structural mechanics, thermal hydraulics, and reactor physics. He is also developing a model for reactivity feedbacks due to the thermally-induced bowing of fuel during a reactor transient.
MS Nuclear and Radiological Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013
BS Nuclear and Radiological Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010
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